Yo Mama Jokes
Yo mama so fat.. tripped
Yo mamma's so fat, she tripped on 4th Avenue and landed on 12th.
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Yo mama so fat... George Washington
Yo Mama is so fat, when she sits on a quarter she squeezes a booger out of George Washington's nose.
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Yo mama so ugly.. taco bell..
Yo mama's so ugly, she's like Taco Bell. When people see her, they run for the border.
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yo mama so old... tits
Yo mama so old, I slapped her on the back and her tits fell off!
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yo mama so fat.. cereal..
Yo mama is so fat, she eats her cereal out of a satellite dish.
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yo mama so fat.. disease
Yo mama is so fat that when she was diagnosed with the flesh eating disease the doctor gave her 18 years to live.
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