Military Jokes
Giving sad news to a troop
|The Captain called the Sergeant in. "Sarge, I just got a telegram that Private Jones' mother died yesterday. Better go tell him and send him in to see me."...
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Requesting a three day pass
|An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3-day pass. The CO says "Are you crazy? You just join the Israeli army, and you...
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Giving very odd excuses
|The General went out to find that none of his G.I.s were there. One finally ran up, panting heavily. "Sorry, sir! I can explain, you see I had a date and it...
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Change your course now
|This is the transcript of an actual radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995.Radio...
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Recruiting any and all pilots
|The chief of staff of the US Air Force decided that he would personally intervene in the recruiting crisis affecting all of our armed services. He directed...
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Bragging about old times
|Two men were boasting to each other about their old army days."Why, my outfit was so well drilled," declared one, "that when they presented arms all you...
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My men are very brave
|General McKenzie was in charge of the Navy, and he was visiting his colleague General Marshall, who was in charge of the Army. McKenzie arrives at the...
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Speaking with the general
|It was a dark, stormy, night. The Marine was on his first assignment, and it was guard duty.A General stepped out taking his dog for a walk. The nervous...
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Reward these soldiers for their work
|A British General had sent some of his men off to fight for their country in the Falkland Island Crisis.Upon returning to England from the South American...
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Practical joke on his ex-girlfriend
|The soldier serving in Hong Kong was annoyed and upset when his girl wrote breaking off their engagement and asking for her photograph back.He went out and...
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