Kids Jokes
Ant jokes 01
|Where do ants go for their holidays?Frants!What do you call an ant who skips school?A truant!What do you get if you cross some ants with some tics?All sorts...
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Ant jokes 02
|What do you call an ant who lives with your great uncle?Your great-ant!Who was the most famous ant scientist?Albert Antstein!What games to ants play with...
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Ant jokes 03
|Where do ants go to eat?At a restaurant!What do you call an ant with five pairs of eyes?Antteneye!What do you call an and with frogs legs?An antphibian!What...
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Bear jokes 01
|Q: What kind of money to polo bears use?A: Ice lolly!Q: Have you ever hunted bear?A: No, but I've been shooting in my shorts!Q: How do you start a teddy...
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Bear jokes 02
|: How do you hire a teddy bear?A: Put him on stilts!Q: What do you call a big white bear with a hole in his middle?A: A polo bear!Q: Why do polo bears like...
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Bee jokes 01
|Q: Who is the bees favorite singer?A: Sting!Q: Who is the bees favorite pop group?A: The bee gees!Q: What do you get if you cross a bee with a skunk?A: An...
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Bee jokes 02
|Q: What did the confused bee say?A: To bee or not to bee!Q: What's black, yellow and covered in blackberries?A: A bramble bee!Q: What do bees do if they...
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Bee jokes 03
|Q: What does a bee get at McDonalds?A: A humburger!Q: What buzzes, is black and yellow and goes along the bottom of the sea?A: A bee in a submarine!Q:...
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Bee jokes 04
|Q: Why do bees buzz?A: Because they can't whistle!Q: Can bees fly in the rain?A: Not without their little yellow jackets!Q: Why did the bee started talking...
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Bee jokes 05
|Q: Why did the queen bee kick out all of the other bees?A: Because they kept droning on and on!Q: What do you call a bee born in May?A: A maybe!Q: What kind...
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