Golf Jokes
Church Sunday
Two Men were leaving church on a bright Sunday morning. "You know," said the first friend, "I can always tell who the golfers are in church.""How's that?"...
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The Politically Correct Country Club
Did you hear about the local country club that was determined to be politcally correct?Instead of saying the golfers have handicaps, they say they're...
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Three duffers were out golfing with the club pro one day. The first duffer teed off and hit a dribbler about 60 yards. He turned to the pro and asked, "What...
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Amateur golfer: someone who addresses the ball twice: once before swinging and once again after swinging.Oxymoron: an easy par three.A hack: when your divot...
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The Golfer vs. The Fisherman
Q: What's the difference between a golfer and a fisherman?A: When a golfer lies he doesn't have to bring anything home to prove it!
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Four worst words
Q: What are the four worst words you could hear during a round of golf?A: It's still your turn!
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