Language Trends of the Future
Language Trends of the FutureThere are consistent trends in the past evolution of languages, and inall likelihood they will continue to change in the same...
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A cattleman from West Texas died...
A cattleman from West Texas died & went on to the Great Beyond. As he approached the great gate, he noticed that the terrain was bare with no greenery. He...
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Chinese Subtitles
Chinese SubtitlesFrom a list of English subtitles used in films made in Hong Kong, Compiledby Stefan Hammond and Mike Wilkins for their book *Sex & Zen & a...
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Useful Phrases to Know When Travelling in the Middle East
Useful Phrases to Know When Travelling in the Middle EastAKBAR KHALI_KILI HAFTIR LOTFAN Thank you for showing me your marvelous gun. FEKR GABUL ORADAN...
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The South Takes a Cue from Oakland
The South Takes a Cue from Oakland Everyone is familiar with the plan to teach Ebonics in such leftist enclaves as California andMassachusetts. "Ebonics," a...
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A Texas game warden came upon a coyote caught in a trap...
Sorry Texans....A Texas game warden came upon a coyote caught in a trap. He returned tohis office and called the Oklahoma game warden and told him one of...
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Four Mexicans were in an open truck that had run into the lake...
Four Mexicans were in an open truck that had run into the lake.The twoin the front seat escaped unharmed, but the two in the back bed drowned -they couldn't...
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Why did the mexicans fight so hard for the alamo?
Why did the mexicans fight so hard for the alamo?They wanted 4 clean walls to spray paint.
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Business is business
A young Jewish boy starts attending public school in a smalltown. The teacher of the one-room school decides to use herposition to try to influence the new...
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The only good thing to ever come out of Oklahoma
The only good thing to ever come out of Oklahoma:An empty greyhound.
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