Latest software technology
Just wanted to check out that you gnarly dudes are using the latest andgreatest software technology fer yer rad code to make it easy for thedudes who have to...
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Human DNA Code (C) God
God's Human DNA CodeFor many years molecular biologists have been mystified by the fact that verylittle of an organism's DNA seems to serve any useful...
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The Story of Micro and Mini
The Story of Micro and MiniMicro was a real-time operator and dedicated multi-user. His broad-bandprotocol made it easy for him to interface with numerous...
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Millennia Year Application Software System
Millennia Year Application Software System This memo is to announce the development of a new firm-wide software system. We are currently building a data...
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The First E-mail Of Paul To The Romans
The First E-mail Of Paul To The Romans by John CarneyFrom: (Paul, A Servant Of Jesus Christ)To:...
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PC Manifesto V3.0
The PC Manifesto V3.0 Featuring a PC Primer and Revised PC Lexicon...
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Befuddled PC Users...
Befuddled PC Users Flood Help Lines, and no Question Seems to be Too Basic From the Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, March 1, 1994....
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Definition of Programmer
Definition of ProgrammerProgrammer:A person who passes as an exacting expert on the basis of being able to turn out, after innumberable poundings, an...
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Software Development Process
Software Development Process1) Order the T-shirts for the Development team2) Announce availability3) Write the code4) Write the manual5) Hire a Product...
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