Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson
More Jesse news... Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson Due to the great consternation caused by the revelation of my act of procreation, I accept my...
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IMPORTANT NEWS TO ALL GUYS THAT GO OUT TO CLUBS OR BARS Men, be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from girl. Good girls out there, please...
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What's the similarity between Michael Jackson and McDonalds?
Here's a gross one:What's the similarity between Michael Jackson and McDonalds?They both stick their beef between 9 year old buns.
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What's the difference between Courtney Love and Wayne Gretzky?
What's the difference between Courtney Love and Wayne Gretzky?Wayne takes a shower after 3 periods.
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Visiting the modern art museum, a lady turned...
Visiting the modern art museum, a lady turnedto an attendant standing nearby."This," she said, "I suppose, is one of thosehideous representations you call...
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What is Homer Simpson's favorite ice cream?
Here's a lame one....What is Homer Simpson's favorite ice cream?Chocolate-chip cookie DOH!
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What do you get if you cross an insect with the Easter rabbit?
What do you get if you cross an insect with the Easter rabbit?Bugs Bunny.
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How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?From a catalogue.
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How does Michael Jackson know its time for bed?
How does Michael Jackson know its time for bed?When the big hand is on the little hand.
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What do you call 5 dogs with no balls?
What do you call 5 dogs with no balls?The Spice Girls!
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